Financial & Strategic Consulting

Company profile

Eco Energy Ltd. is an economic consulting and investment firm that specializes in the energy, environmental, and infrastructure sectors. The company is owned and managed by Dr. Amit Mor and Shimon Seroussi. Eco Energy’s latest projects include conducting a valuation of the Israeli oil refineries and the Ashcogen power plant, and facilitating finance, planning, and professional activities of international and Israeli companies including the preparation of business plans and valuation of companies.

Eco Energy and its owners have been involved in numerous projects in various countries. The company also specializes in energy forecasting, including the preparation energy demand surveys and forecasting prices and hedging schemes for petroleum, natural gas and other energy products in various markets. The company is also active in the newly developing market of greenhouse gases emission reduction programs and emission credits.

Dr. Amit Mor and Shimon Seroussi have recently completed the preparation of the Energy Master Plan for the State of Israel, a comprehensive strategic work conducted for the Israeli Government. They also initiated and chaired the inter-ministerial committee for the “Implementation of Economic Measures for Reduction of Air Pollution” which formed the basis for government activity in this field.

Past and present clients of the company and its owners include: BP-Amoco, ENI, Yukos, Tractabel, BG, SPP, the Bosnian Natural Gas Company, the World Bank, The European Investment Bank, EIF, Paz Oil Company, Delek – the Israeli Oil Company, Sonol, Dor Energy, Israel Railways Co., Israel Ports Co., Environmental Services Co., Ashkogen, Nilit, Lesico, BioPetrol, Tahal, Etgal Holdings, Merhav, Maman, Sun-Tree; The Israeli Government, including: the ministries of Finance, National Infrastructure, Environment, Transportation, Telecommunication, and Regional Development; Power Utility Authority, Israel Securities Authority, Investec Bank, United Mizrahi Bank, and various international and Israeli law firms.

Eco Energy’s core business and main fields of specialization include:

Specialization in energy, infrastructure and environmental protection

Project planning and project finance

Valuations, surveys, forecasts and tariffs

Business plans, business support and business development

Entrepreneurship, financing and investments


Amit Mor, an energy specialist, is the CEO of Eco Energy Ltd. He earned his Ph.D. in Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economics at the Pennsylvania State University. The topic of his dissertation was “Natural Gas Projects in the Developing World: an Empirical Evaluation of Merits, Obstacles and Risks”. He studied for his M.A. and B.A. in Economics, Finance and Psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

During the past 18 years, Dr. Mor served as a consultant to governments, financial organizations, public and private companies in Israel and abroad in the fields of petroleum, natural gas, power, infrastructure, and the environment.

During the 1990’s he worked for eight years as a Consultant at the World Bank in Washington D.C. and specialized in the finance of energy, natural gas, power and petroleum projects, as well as in reform planning of energy and environmental policies of developing countries.  During the 1980s he served as an Assistant to the Israeli Minister of Energy and Infrastructure and as a Chief Economist in the Economic Planning Authority in the Ministry of Economic Planning in Israel.


Shimon Seroussi is a graduate of the Tel Aviv University, where he earned a Master’s degree in economics and a B.A. in statistics.  He developed specialization in project finance and investment management including economic consulting to projects and businesses, and preparation of business plans and company valuations.

For more than 20 years Mr. Seroussi served in managerial positions in the Bank of Israel and in the Israel Securities Authority.  In these frameworks he worked closely with the banks and with the Ministry of Finance and conducted supervision on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and on prospectus and financial reporting of enterprises that issued securities to the public.

During the past decade he was a member and coordinator of several public committees that dealt with reform, privatization and structural changes in the electricity, petroleum, water and telecommunications sectors in Israel.

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please contact us

Tel. +972-9-957-9331/2

Tel. +972-9-957-9331

Eco Energy Ltd.

60 Medinat Hayehudim Street, C entrance, 3rd floor, POBox 4079, Herzliya Pituach 46140, Israel
